Friday, November 18, 2011

How to feel even more amazing with less sleep

How To Become An Advanced Early Riser

Have you ever thought you need more than 24 hours in your day?

Well I believe I have found a way...

No! Not to get more than 24 hours in a day :) but how to make more time for yourself:

Actually, it's fairly straightforward...

Just get less sleep.

Honestly. My friend, who wrote this guide, has 2 kids, a full-time job, works part-time as a writer, has a great family and social life and still manages to feel amazing every day.

When I first heard him speaking about this, I thought there is no way that is true. When I asked him about it, he told me how he does it, and he didn't really think it was unusual as he has been doing it for years...

But when I questioned further he had to teach himself how to do it and now he has written a guide on how you can do it.

Imagine having an extra 2-4 hours every day....

What would you do with that time?
How much more could you achieve?

More time with your family...
More time to work on your goals in life...
More time to finish work on time...
More time to write that book....

The possibilities are virtually endless.

Read, my friend, Steven's story here.

I honestly think you'll be amazed and excited by the opportunities this can give you in life.

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